無可言喻的美 縮時攝影(time-lapse photography)

縮時攝影(time-lapse photography),能夠拍出極度漂亮影像的影片製作手法,網路上已經有很多攝影師拍了很多縮時攝影的攝影作品。

Timescapes Timelapse: Mountain Light from Tom Lowe on Vimeo.

之前看到一則新聞有介紹這很厲害的縮時攝影師 (Tom Lowe) 拍的影片 (Mountain Light),真的是把影像玩弄到極致,而且攝影師本身對於畫面的構圖能力也是不在話下,原來我們居住的地球是這麼的充滿靈魂之美。


來說說什麼是縮時攝影(time-lapse photography)


Time-lapse photography is a technique whereby the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence. When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second. The result is an apparent 30-times speed increase. Time-lapse photography can be considered the opposite of high speed photography or slow motion.

Processes that would normally appear subtle to the human eye, e.g. the motion of the sun and stars in the sky, become very pronounced. Time-lapse is the extreme version of the cinematography technique of undercranking, and can be confused with stop motion animation.



最近看到一個也是很厲害的縮時攝影影片Paris In Motion(Part 1),這個攝影師是Mayeul Akopvi,這裡很特別的地方是它在拍攝縮時攝影時鏡頭是會運動的,這算是比較不同於其他縮時攝影多數都是定點固定方向式的手法,難度相對也高出許多,經由Mayeul Akopvi呈現出的巴黎街景也相當有藝術之都的氣息。

Paris In Motion (Part I) from Mayeul Akpovi on Vimeo.




Timescapes Timelapse: Mountain Light

Paris In Motion (Part I)